an experience that reminds viewers of their shared cellular reality that exists in any space with other humans and lifeforms
an experience that reminds viewers of their shared cellular reality that exists in any space with other humans and lifeforms
a physical and virtual reality exhibition piece on the human gut microbiome
a physical and virtual reality exhibition piece on the human gut microbiome
Microbial Ecologies imagines a world devoid of boundaries and borders, where the essence of existence is perceived as a tapestry of interconnected points in space — a world perceived through the worldview of a microbe. One where accessing microbial intelligence becomes a conduit to a vast network of knowledge, intricately woven through generations and across species. Beyond this experience, Microbial Ecologies invites the visitor to transcend the limitations of our human senses and envision other simultaneous realities.

The artwork invites the visitor to enter the physical and virtual realm of microbial memory. A 360 video was played back on a VR headset, while the visitor was enclosed by a shield of plastic and lit-up dough balls.

Meta Quest 2 - VR headset
Plastic tent, light bulbs & dough
Meta Quest 2 - VR headset
Plastic tent, light bulbs & dough